Academic Rules & Regulations


Academic Rules & Regulations

  1. Expectations from students
  • Every student is responsible for upholding the image of the university;
  • Every student shall wear his/her Identity Card issued by the university during his/her stay at the campus;
  • Students will refrain from engaging in any sort of political activity within the campus;
  • Every student should be dressed in a manner befitting to the academic environment of the campus. Improper and indecent attire is not allowed in the campus.
  • Students should take part in all programs organized by the departments and the university;
  • Students will abide by the rules and regulations as well as the instructions issued from time to time by the authority of the university.
  1. Violations of the Code of Conduct and Penalties

Violation of any part of this rule may result in the commission of a major or minor offense, and student violators will be immediately referred to the Disciplinary Committee for the appropriate sanctions. A minor offense will result in a reprimand/censure including a permanent note in the student’s file, or to a suspension of one to three days. A major offense will result in suspension, dismissal or expulsion.

Classification of Offences

  1. Minor Offences
  • Entering the campus without ID card and using someone else’ ID cards, registration card, receipts, etc;
  • Lending and or tampering by altering such as changing original photos of ID cards, registration cards and other university forms;
  • Behavior unbecoming of a student;
  • Infraction of the university procedures and policies on admission, registration and fee payments;
  • Tampering, altering or destroying bulletin board notices, posters, announcements and directions;
  • Littering, writing graffiti, or posting unauthorized content on the walls of the building, classroom or campus;
  • Spitting on the floors, corridors or stairways results to the unsanitary, dirty or disorderly;
  • Smoking within the university campus;
  • Unauthorized movement of chairs, tables, equipment, audio-visual equipment etc.
  • Writing on the walls, chair, table, furniture, etc. and pressing shoes against the walls of the class rooms.
  1. Major offences
  1. Acts of Academic Dishonesty, including:
  • Plagiarism: Representing the work of another as one’s own work;
  • Preparing work for another that is to be used as the other’s own work;
  • Knowingly and willfully falsifying or manufacturing scientific or educational data and representing the work to be the result of one’s own research and experimentation; or
  • Knowingly furnishing false information to a university official about academic matters.
  1. Any conduct, expression or language considered improper in interacting with faculty member, university official and staff;
  2. Disorderly actions or committing any lewd act including indecent or uncalled for remarks or exposure that demonstrate obscene conduct indecency;
  3. Disobedience, interference, resistance, or failure to comply with the directive of an identified university official on duty;
  4. Behavior, inside or outside the campus, which damages university image.
  1. Acts of Deception, including:
  • Furnishing false information to the university with the intent to deceive;
  • Forgery, alteration or misuse of university documents, records and identification cards; or
  • Forgery or issuing a bad check with intent to defraud.
  1. Possession, sale and/or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs in any form within the campus;
  1. Possession, distribution or perusal of pornographic materials;
  1. Possession and/or use of weapons, including:
  • Firearms;
  • Explosives or explosive materials such as bombs, cocktails, chemicals or anything in similar nature;
  • Fireworks; or
  • Knives, clubs, sticks or any item that is used with the intention to cause harm/injury or threat.
  1. Causing fear and apprehension using misrepresentation, misinformation, force or coercion to solicit support, signatures or participation in activities of a subversive nature or detrimental to the normal functioning of the university;
  1. Property Damage, including:
  • Arson;
  • Willful or malicious damage or destruction of property; or
  • Reckless behavior causing damage to property.
  1. Theft, including:
  • Misappropriation or conversion of university funds, supplies, equipment, labor, material, space or facilities;
  • Possession, storing or transport of stolen belonging to university property; or
  • Aiding or abetting theft of university property.
  1. Tampering ,with elevators, security devices such as doors and locks, university equipment such as computers and electronics and/or other university equipment;
  2. Vandalism or destruction of university property belonging to any member of the faculty, administration non-teaching staff;
  3. Having been convicted of a criminal offense by a court of law;
  4. Eve-teasing, molestation or sexual harassment;
  5. Membership in subversive organization(s);
  6. Membership (active or inactive) in illegal organization(s);
  7. Committing any act punishable under the existing law of the land within and outside the campus, and violation of the laws of the Ministry of Education and the University Grants Commission;
  8. Using the names and seals of the university on printed matters such as progress reports, invitation, announcement, ticket, certificate, etc. without the permission of the university or an authorized representative. Likewise, representing the university whether individually or in groups, in and off campus conferences, seminars, congresses, rallies, assemblies, congregations, etc. without authorization from the university officials.