

A beautiful auditorium with the facility of all modern audio-visual equipments has been constructed in Level- 4 of the Business Faculty Building of ABU having sitting arrangement of almost 500 people. The auditorium is used to carry out different seminars, symposium, cultural programs, workshops, presentations, Festivals, exhibitions, Educative Movie Shows and all other relevant programs.

Rules relating the use of ABU Auditorium

General Rules:

  • Any type of use of ABU Auditorium is subject to the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
  • The prospective users of ABU Auditorium should apply in a prescribed form addressing the Registrar.
  • Preferences, in awarding permission, will be given to Firstly, the prospective users whom the authority feels worthy considering the importance and benefit of the university. Secondly, the prospective users who are the internal users of the university.
  • External people/organizations may be allowed to use ABU Auditorium on payment basis. (payment structure is stated afterwards)
  • The internal users must submit application to the office of the Registrar at least 72 hours (3 days) before while external users will submit the application in the same process at least 7 days before.
  • During function if any damage is caused by the user within the center or in the premises, the user himself or his representative along with the relevant authority of ABU will mutually determine the amount of financial loss due to damage and the same amount will be paid by the user in cash on the day of the event.
  • For use of the auditorium the user will have to be acquainted with the mode of accomplishing the function in consultation with the authority.
  • No Penndel will be allowed to erect within or outside of the auditorium.
  • The bill for excess consumption of Electricity beyond the existing electrical installation will have to be borne by the user.
  • No nailing, attaching posters, cutting, or painting will be allowed any where in the centre.
  • Band show or alike musical function or high sound creating musical instrument will not be allowed in the auditorium.
  • The use of the auditorium will be restricted for any type of political activities, anti social activities, or the activities which the authority decides not to be allotted to hold.
  • The authority reserves the right to cancel the allotment without showing any reason what so ever.

Rental Charge:

  • External users will have to pay Taka 15,000, in total, for one day (10:00am to 8:00pm) of Taka 5,000 in advance as security money which is refundable

Cancellation Charges:

Within 4 days of the event date: 25% of the total venue rate
Within 2 days of the event date: 50% of the total venue rate
Within 1 day of the event date: 75% of the total venue rate
  • Parties must pay full charge of the auditorium if they want to cancel the program on the event date.


  • The management of ABU will enjoy the full authority to manage and maintain the ABU Auditorium. Management can delegate this authority to any management personnel of ABU for management and maintenance of specific programs time to time. However, for assistance and support of programs at the auditorium, One Officer will be assigned as Assistance and Support (In Charge). One Staff will be assigned to work under his supervision.