Planning & Development



To provide maximum assistance to the administration and facility of ABU in formulating, articulating and implementing their semester, annual and long term planning and policy recommendation and hence to accelerate university growth and development.


  • OPD will articulate short and long term development planning proposals for ABU with the help of university records and database and hence will make assessments regarding the budget requirement, source of funds and expenditure plan to execute the proposed development planning.
  • OPD will with the proposed developmental planning, summaries policy recommendations directed towards growth and development of university administration university faculty and university establishment.
  • OPD will present the policy recommendation plan to the Vice-Chancellor. If any of these recommendations, any part of the plans, any budget and / or expenditure plan become ambiguous during the initial approval procedure. OPD will revise the plan and reproduce with amendments.
  • OPD will, with family approved plans, employ engage in coordination with the Human Resource Department a group of consultants to execute and implement the development plan and policies. However the Director, Human Resource will act as the coordinator of funds for any projects and the coordinator of OPD will act as the chief project consultant for any project.
  • OPD will analyze and articulate all development statistics of ABU. Using these statistics and reports OPD will publish yearly “University Development Report (UDR), which will be exclusively and confidentially distributed to the authority and policy- making body of ABU, (The Vice-Chancellor, the pro Vice-Chancellor, the board of directors, the Academic Council, the Departmentall Deans and the registrar of ABU.
  • OPD will, with the help of ABU database make productivity analysis, efficiency analysis, econometric forecasting of university growth and development and hence pinpoint the policy reform, policy amendments, budgetary amendments to the respective authorities (The Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer and the board of Directors.)


  • Curriculum Development by revising and republishing the Undergraduate and MBA handbooks.
  • Research Development in School of Business by publishing the ABU Journal of Business and Economics (AJBE)
  • Research Development in the School of Science and School of Engineering by publishing the ABU Journal of Science and Engineering (AJSE).
  • Curriculum development by introducing major in Economics, minors, double majors in the academic programs of School of Business.
  • Planning and developmental support to any university activity.
  • Academic Council representation as the member secretary.
  • University Development Report.
  • Human Resource project planning support.
  • International Relations project planning support.
  • Student affairs project planning support.

Future Surveys:

  • Evaluation of Learning Outcomes
  • Course/ Subject Evaluation
  • Enrollment Evaluation