Why Choose ABU

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Why Choose ABU

Multifarious School

America Bangladesh University is enriched with multifarious school’s like School of Science, School of Applied Science, School of Business, School of Humanities, School of Computer Science & many more.

Language Learning

It is the need of present world to communicate with variety of languages. With in this end and view America Bangladesh University has taken initiative to teach highly demanding language rather then mother tongue. Language to be taught is English.

Ideal Classroom

Effective teaching is possible by the teachers when both teachers and students are in a ideal classroom. A classroom must have modern facilities like internet connection, proper seating accommodation, required training aids. America Bangladesh University ensured all above opportunities in all class rooms.


Presently America Bangladesh University is flourished with highly demanding 13 subjects. It will increase in coming days. Syllabus has been designed to face the modern challenging world and approved by U.G.C.

Student Clubs

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Financial Aid

The scholarship and financial aid policy will be provided by America Bangladesh University have become sources of great encouragement to meritorious but financially constrained students. The academic world has greeted this policy pursed by America Bangladesh University enthusiastically.