The Centre for Advanced Research was established with the main objective of creating state-of-the-art research facilities for the faculty members, scientists and graduate students of different branches to carry out research, so that the standard of research in the University can be comparable to that of advanced laboratories of the World. The facilities of the Centre are being used by all the Departments of the faculties and Institutes of America Bangladesh University.
Research Center identifies research areas which are important for the overall development of the country. The Centre is equipped with state of art scientific instruments for pursuing research in these areas. It is expected that the faculty members of the University of Dhaka can carry out research work in collaboration with scientist of the Centre. In that case, projects have to be submitted to the Centre, and after peer review, they may be accepted for the desired support on the condition that the proprietary rights to the output is shared with the Centre. The faculties, scientists, graduate students of all public and private universities & research organizations may take analytical services of the Centre on payment basis.
The objectives of the Centre are:
- Creation of scientific knowledge through research work
- Generation of highly skilled scientific and technical manpower
- Successful implementation of the M.S., M. Phil and Ph.D. programs in the University
- Technical innovations and scientific inventions which will bring economic benefit to the country
- Transfer of technology from the developed world
- Development of appropriate technology
- Promotion of University-Industry interaction
- Establishment of a reference analytical laboratory through national and international accreditation
- Creation of a network of scientists and technologists of home and abroad
- Initiation and maintenance of international collaborative research in important areas
- Holding seminars, conferences
- Publication of scientific Journals and research works
The centre provides a congenial atmosphere with ample working space, back-up power supply, on-line access to Journals and a clean and secure environment for researchers to pursue their research with full dedication. Thirteen different research areas covering different disciplines of science have been identified as priority areas relevant to the national needs. Scientific equipment are being procured and installed to establish the corresponding research laboratories.
The Research has the ultimate goal of attaining the status of a centre of excellence buzzing with scientific activities. The main hurdle it faces is the difficulty of keeping the instruments in running condition and their servicing by appropriate personnel. It is expected that a good number of technicians will soon be appointed, and the instrument engineers and the technicians will in near future be in a position to offer the services of the equipment to researchers in various faculties. It will of course be necessary to offer them proper training, and also enough motivation. Some of the equipments require servicing by expert engineers belonging to the manufacturer. All local agents of the manufacturers are not capable of providing the required services, and they have to invite experts from agents in India or Singapore. This raises the cost of services. However, some of the local agents of instrument companies have got their engineers properly trained, and are offering the necessary servicing at very nominal costs. We expect that other local agents will recognize the importance of developing local expertise, and will adopt the policy of developing the capability of servicing the instruments with these local experts.